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© Oscar Fernádez Orengo. Realizada en el marco del rodaje de 'Buscando mi propio nombre'. 

Una coproducción entre Doble Banda y Los sueños de la hormiga roja,
dirigida por Pablo García Pérez de Lara

© Pablo García. Testimonio de Paloma Rubio, actriz en Buscando mi propio nombre, rodada en Alzira (Valencia) y Miravet (Tarragona) en noviembre y diciembre de 2023.

En Doble Banda las personas que tienen un sufrimiento mental toman la palabra

En 1974 un grupo de 200 mujeres fue trasladado en autobuses desde el Psiquiátrico Padre Jofré al nuevo Psiquiátrico de Bétera (Valencia). Muchas de ellas habían estado encerradas en Jesús más de 30 años y llegaban a Bétera sin historia clínica y, algunas, incluso sin nombre. Esta historia quiere cuidar la memoria de aquellas mujeres y de las personas profesionales que las acompañaron.


We offer trust and quality.

Producciones Doble Banda is born in 1998 from the restlessness of a group of people united by a passion for cinema and an enormous need to discover people and places. With time, social documentary and arthouse cinema have become our sign of identity. After 20 years devoted to cinema, which have resulted in fifteen documentaries, a few short films, four arthouse feature-films, a remarkable number of selections in international film festivals, from Cannes to Yamagata, including Sao Paulo, San Sebastián, New York, London, Montréal or Karlovy Vary, and among all these, several international awards, we are still delighted by our profession, that of filmmaking, and we keep taking care -through our job, both in front and behind our cameras- of the people that we are lucky enough to come across in our path.  

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Kilian Jornet, el contador de lagos. Trailer subtítulos español.
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Trailer Fuente Alamo lacariciadeltiempo 25Mb
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Tráiler de «Tchindas»
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Las Manos de Alicia_TRAILER
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Inicio: Alicia Retratada


Alicia Retratada was one of our first works and it was selected for the Semaine de la Critique de Cannes. It also received a special mention at Abycine, a festival that we keep close to our hearts and which, from its rigorous, diverse and daring gaze, has kept growing and has increasingly become a significant place for creators, audiences and industry. Since we like to remember, we offer you here this (very short) short film.

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